Saturday, October 22, 2005


The world is round

When a man claimed so,

He was burnt.

The sky is blue,

When a man claimed so,

Was he burnt?

Discrimination they say

Is abolished.

Gender bias is taboo.

Your skin is not

The colour of your soul.

So these hypocrites claim.

Wolves in sheep’s clothing.


Drug pushers.

Society marks them with

A brand of disgust.

Calling them outcasts,

And unworthy.

Yet they allow these,

These hypocrites to

Laugh and drink

Make merry and love

The honest are branded

With contempt and vulgarity

By the same

Who toast to the hypocrites.

As Dylan said once.

“it makes me feel ashamed

to live in a land

where justice is a game.”


It makes me feel ashamed

To live in a world

Where bias rules over truth.


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